The Broadway's Blogspot

This blogspot is our attempt to keep friends and family in touch with the events of our lives. We believe that life should be shared, and that the distance between us is only temporary!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Up too late

Its June! How can that be? And its the END of June?
Abbie's almost done with Kindergarten and I haven't been emotional about it at all which surprises me. She is ready, she has done well, she is growing up- and these are events that we want as parents. She is something else. Tonight I wrote her birthmother an email and sent some new pictures of her and Becca. Always takes me so long to do it, I enjoy doing it, but I want to make sure I write things that are thoughtful, that capture who Abbie and Becca are today without making their birthmom feel sad...I suppose she will always feel sad at the loss of these two, I feel sad thinking about her loss- its devastating. Yet, we have such a beautiful and surreal friendship now, where there is really no one I would rather talk to about my girls, to share in the delight of their growth, the discoveries they are making, their personalities...I am overwhelmed at how these adoptions have played out so far. I know it will get complicated as the girls grow, yet I am not afraid. How could I not share after she has given us such amazing selfless gifts? It is not a competition. Birthmom wants to talk to Abbie on the phone. Just to hear about her life from her own words. I understand that. She doesn't want Abbie to know who she is yet. I appreciate that. So we are looking forward to that call. It is a good thing, I am sure of it...the fact that their birthmom wonders and wants to know what their voice sounds like, to hear how they think, to know they are well. And I am pleased to be able to share that. It's a priviledge. And I think Abbie and Becca will appreciate it someday, too. I also wrote the birthmom of Josie and Tess tonight and shared pictures. I sense so much of her in both of the girls, a sensitive and joyful spirit, musical and deep. I cannot express how comforting it is to know she chose us to raise these helps take away the sting of accusations that we can't know what we are doing as white parents. We have so much to learn, and there will be issues, I am sure of it. But she chose us, and God entrusted us. And He will provide what we need daily. Its a promise. So as I sit here up too late I am overwhelmed by God's gifts to us, abundant and generous. His ways are fantastic!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Four Daughters!

On Monday morning, August 10, 2009, at 2:34 a.m. eastern time, Talitha Hope Broadway ("Tess") was born in NYC.  She was 19 1/2 inches long,  7 lbs., 5 oz., and in very good health. 

The five of us took the red-eye flight on Monday night to meet the newest member of our family.  Everyone traveled well, considering that we flew overnight (thank you Jet Blue!) and went directly to the hospital with all of our (considerable) luggage.  We were quite the sight, but found New Yorkers to be so friendly, and encouraging to us.  

Overall, our adoption experience in New York was the most smooth we have had.  In fact, all the necessary paperwork was filed, and we received permission to leave the state by Friday (amazingly quick). There were some logistical issues - like how we were going to travel around in NY when there were absolutely no mini-vans to be rented in the city (hard to believe, huh?!) - but there were many people who came to our rescue (thank you especially to Auntie Ruth and Uncle Stanley for helping to locate a vehicle for us - many hours of driving to help coordinate our travels - a couple of great home-cooked meals, and a home to rest in).  We were greatly encouraged by many calls and e-mail messages from friends and family.

Before we knew that we were going to be parents again, we had planned on having a family reunion in North Carolina.  We were to get to NC on Aug. 13 ... but when we found out about baby #4, we learned that the due date was Aug. 14.  We feared that our plans to introduce Becca to Scott's family back East would be disrupted.  As things worked out, however, we were able to make it to the Outer Banks on Day One of the family reunion!  God's timing is always better than we can plan.

Things have been quite the whirlwind, of course; and poor Tess has slept in four different places since she came home with us (with tonight being the first time she's slept in the same house since coming home from the hospital).  But, we are happy, and everyone is adjusting as well as is possible, we think.  We're enjoying spending time with family ... and looking forward to returning home in about a week, to make "introductions" on the West Coast.

Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Becca's First Video Clip

For those of you far away, who would like to be closer ...                                                     we hope that you enjoy this first "live" glimpse of Becca!

The Adventure Continues!

On Sunday, March 22nd, at 8:34, God blessed our family with another daughter, as Rebecca Joy was born, weighing 7 lbs. 9 ozs., and measuring 20 inches long.  

The last week and a half has been a blur as we have rushed to get prepared for this adoption.  We heard from the prospective birthmother on a Wednesday, and learned that her due date was the following Tuesday!  So, there was much to do in a short amount of time (home study, medical exams, fingerprinting, arranging for travel, etc.) - a blur ... but a wonderfully exciting one!

We are so fortunate to be in Illinois, staying with family (both Katherine's brother and sister and their families live in/near Chicago).  Abbie and Josie are loving having some extended time with cousins!  And they have been so sweet to their newest sibling.

We were able to take Becca from the hospital the day before yesterday, and now we are just waiting for a court date, and clearance to travel before we head back to CA.  We are hopeful that we will be home by next Wednesday.

We hope that you enjoy the pictures and videos - although, if you can believe it, she is more adorable in person!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The end of this season is coming soon

Scott refers to times in our lives as "seasons." And that term does make it a bit easier to wrap my sad brain around when I think over this last year and a half. We started the adventure at camp thinking it would be a lifetime partnership that led to a new camp in Riverside and spin-off camps around the world. It was so exciting and we felt sure God was leading us. And we do trust that it was God Who led us...and is now leading us in another direction. I never thought the end of this "season" would be so abrupt and painful. Can God be glorified in this? I know He can and will be. As I wait for hindsight, I have to continually place my trust in God and in my husband that this is the right decision for us and that He will make it good. And that He knows that there are children sitting in foster homes in Riverside and around the world who need to have a Camp Alandale experience- He knows them by name and He loves them more than we could. Pray for these children. Pray that Camp Alandale will grow and that thousands of children will be introduced to our Perfect Father. Pray for the Massas as they continue to faithfully work in San Diego. Pray for us as we face this uncertain and undefined "season" coming up in December. Thanks for listening.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Please pray

Thanks for checking in. We are in the middle of a painful time and ask for prayers. We have had to make some tough decisions and ask for wisdom and peace in proceeding. The girls are doing great, and we are enjoying the beautiful fall peace of Julian. God is our King, we desire to serve Him as He leads, not just in the paths that seem right to us. We will keep you posted. 

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sea World!


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Mid-July thoughts and ramblings...

Can it really be the middle of July already? Time goes faster in higher elevations, I am sure of it. We have had two great camps so far and the next starts Monday. We will be taking a back seat this next week and the Massa's will lead on their own, and then the following week we will lead 4-6th grade alone. Thanks for your prayers, we definately can tell! This next camp is Jr. High again- very fun age group- drama, drama, drama!! Abbie and Josie are doing so well- take to camp like a charm. We are enjoying a visit from Scott's parents- we even went to Sea World on Wednesday. Its been years! Good o'le Shamu is still there. I will ask if anyone is really reading this, that you pray for us as we have a big step of faith to make in this next month. I can't tell you details yet, but it is exciting and will require a bit of a miracle for it to really happen. It is good to be dependent on God for the outcome- exciting, too, because it could go either way. Well, on a totally different note, it has been interesting how many calls we have had regarding adoption since we finalized with Josie. I think we have had 4 since May. We don't feel its right to enter into another adoption situation until Josie is at least a year. I selfishly need more time with her to bond. Boy, is she a cutie. Just as cuddly and soft and wonderful as a 9 month old should be. Abbie is finally starting to show signs of jealousy. Got to watch her now, her hugs are getting a little too aggressive. I need to make the effort to give her some mommy time alone. I have looked in to the local preschool and we will tour it next week. I am thinking two days a week next fall. I think Abbie will love it! Scott is going to be 40 in August. We are going to Nashville to celebrate. I am working a couple of extra shifts at work to pay for it, I really hope we can connect with some of his dear friends. Its hard for Scott to find close guy friends here in CA. I am not sure why...I sure love being his best girl friend! Well, thats enough free thought for one blog post. Thanks for reading. Much love, Katherine